Master bedroom (with own bathroom) & large or small guest bedroom (share bathroom) for rent in Chinese owned houses (all houses are in walking distance to UTD).
Lowest rent in Dallas! , Best deal in town!
Rent (price) ranges from $300/month to $500/month per room, utilities is included, flexible lease, terms open for discussion. shot term is OK.
You are directly dealing with a very nice Chinese 房东 (owner)!!!!
You may get DEEP discount rent with long term lease. Please call today for details
欢迎爱干净、安静、少炊, 不抽烟, 无宠物之单身 男生 or 女生前来看房,入住.
If you are interested in renting a bedroom from us or need more information, please:
text to Ms. Li at 469-269-9098
Ms. Li 微信号: Jin81308120
Or call John at 214-458-9205 cell
Lowest rent in Dallas! , Best deal in town!
Rent (price) ranges from $300/month to $500/month per room, utilities is included, flexible lease, terms open for discussion. shot term is OK.
You are directly dealing with a very nice Chinese 房东 (owner)!!!!
You may get DEEP discount rent with long term lease. Please call today for details
欢迎爱干净、安静、少炊, 不抽烟, 无宠物之单身 男生 or 女生前来看房,入住.
If you are interested in renting a bedroom from us or need more information, please:
text to Ms. Li at 469-269-9098
Ms. Li 微信号: Jin81308120
Or call John at 214-458-9205 cell