1. Books for sale
a) Accounting information systems By Gelinas/Dull 7th edition(For ACCT 6343) $10
b) Introduction to management accounting $10
c) Business law today--comprehensive edition By Miller & Jentz 8th edition(For ACCT 6370) $30
2. 所有书请自取,地址:学校 Waterview Park学生公寓
3. Cash only
4. 有意者邮件 xiaojuming_2006@hotmail.com
a) Accounting information systems By Gelinas/Dull 7th edition(For ACCT 6343) $10
b) Introduction to management accounting $10
c) Business law today--comprehensive edition By Miller & Jentz 8th edition(For ACCT 6370) $30
2. 所有书请自取,地址:学校 Waterview Park学生公寓
3. Cash only
4. 有意者邮件 xiaojuming_2006@hotmail.com
由LJuliaZ于2012-06-27, 10:20 am进行了最后一次编辑,总共编辑了2次